Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

Wernekink commissure syndrome secondary to ischemic stroke severe dysarthria is one of the main characteristics of this syndromeIntroductionPure mesencephalon infarctions are relatively rare. Several midbrain syndromes such as Webers, Claudes and Benedikts syndrome had been described extensively before. Because of its rarity, clinicians do not frequently abide Wernekink commissure syndrome, but it is one of the midbrain syndromes. Wernekink commissure involves the decussation of dentatorubrothalamic pathway, which provides cerebrocerebellum connections through superior cerebellar peduncle in midbrain. Its main characteristics are bilaterally symmetrical cerebellar dysfunction, occasional nervus oculomotorius signs including internuclear ophtalmoplegia or palatal tremor 1-3.We report a case of a patient with Wernekink commissure syndrome due to focal infarction in the caudal paramedian midbrain presenting with anarthria and bilateral cerebellar ataxia. Case ReportA 62-year-old mal e current smoker was admitted to stroke unit in our hospital because of sudden onset dizziness, impaired lecture and gait disturbance. He could barely walk without assistance. On admission day, his vital signs were normal except a blood pressure of 162/94 mmHg. He was spanking and not dysphasic but his pronunciation was markedly slurred. He could not pronounce a single syllable. The extraocular movements were full, but he showed saccadic pursuit in all directions. Upbeating nystagmus appeared when he gazed upward. All limb extremities showed Medical Research Council (MRC) Grade 5 motor power and sensory examinations did not reveal any abnormality. Motor incoordinations were detected with finger-to-nose, heel-to-shin and speedy alternating movement test on both sides, the le... the adult. Revue neurologique 98 (6)435-4773. Liu H, Qiao L, He Z (2012) Wernekink commissure syndrome a rare midbrain syndrome. Neurological sciences official journal of the Italian Neurological Soc iety and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology 33 (6)1419-1421. doi10.1007/s10072-012-0966-44. Mossuto-Agatiello L (2006) Caudal paramedian midbrain syndrome. Neurology 66 (11)1668-1671. doi10.1212/01.wnl.0000218180.03127.115. Zhu Y, Liu HN, Zhang CD (2010) Wernekinck commissure syndrome is a pure midbrain infarction. Journal of clinical neuroscience official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia 17 (8)1091-1092. doi10.1016/j.jocn.2009.11.032Figure LegendFig.1. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance foresee (MRI) showed diffusion restriction located in the paramedian midbrain (arrowheads).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hard Times :: essays research papers

The book Hard Times written by Charles Dickens is a narration about a Lancashire Mill Town in the 1840s. The unexampled is divided into three books. Dickens titles the books accordingly to prepare the reader for what is about to come, and throughout the new he describes the effects of the education system, the setup of the caste system, and the Industrial Revolution had on society through this small town of Coketown. The main characters of the novel show the English caste system of the 19th century by showing how one influences the other and the amount of power the bourgeois now have in society. They own the factories. Therefore, they have the money and, because of the changes coming from the revolution, have some power in society. The titles of the three books, Sowing, Reaping, and Garnering shows significance in the way Dickens is trying to avail the reader get an understanding of what is to come. Dickens shows the way the work classes are fighting for a say in the way they are treated at work by forming unions and how a bad negotiator can ruin things. He shows from the start that the education system is based on fact and non fancy. The breakdown of the fact based education is shown when Gradgrind himself asked a question that is not fact based. In the end, the whole system of education is reversed and the fancy is fancied.The novel can be summarized as a book about two struggles. One struggle is surrounded by fact and imagination and the other is the struggle between two classes. Thomas Gradgrind, the father of Louisa, Tom, and June not only stresses facts in the classroom in which he teaches, but also at home to his family. He has brought up his children to know only the facts. Everything is black and white, right or wrong with nothing in between. Gradgrind does not like the idea of going to the circus or having bloom carpet. Everyone knows a person cannot have flowered carpet. He would trample all over them and they would end up dying. The second struggle is between the classes is illustrated between Stephen Blackpool and Bounderby. Blackpool represents the working class and Bounderby the bourgeois or middle class. He is a warm-hearted man who feels he deserves this mediocre life. Blackpool was once an employee under Bounderby and was fired for standing up for his beliefs.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Contents of the dead mans pocket :: essays research papers

In the story, Contents of the Dead Mans Pocket, the main character is turkey cock Benecke. As the story progresses, he is faced with some decisions. He is forced to act quickly and because of this, many things about him change. In the story, Tom is ambitious, self-centered, and impatient. These three traits change significantly throughout the story. Tom is a very ambitious person when it comes to his work. He is caught up in getting a promotion from work by doing a project. Tom just focuses on the large-minded picture, which is his future, rather than the small picture, which is what his wife is doing. This trait changes at the end when he decides to go to the movies with his wife. When the paper flew out the window for the second time, he realized that he can do the paper over again but he can never reduce back that one specific night he could have spent with his wife. At the beginning, Tom is very self-centered and preoccupied with his work. He finds what he wants to do more important than what his wife wants to do that night. erst faced with the reality of death, he realizes how important his wife is to him. This forces him to be strong and stay alive, for her sake. The only reason he made it back into his house was because of how often he cared for her. Tom then decides to go find her at the movies, which shows that he has become less self-centered and more aware of his wifes feelings.Tom knows that his project can continue, but he has to have it done so his boss can read it over the weekend. The fact that his work couldnt wait until he got back from the movies shows what an impatient person he is. When Tom is out on the ledge retrieving his paper, he is forced to be very patient and to take things one step at a time.

God and the Caducity of Being: Jean-Luc Marion and Edith Stein on Thinking God :: Philosophical Philosophy God Papers

divinity fudge and the Caducity of Being Jean-Luc Marion and Edith Stein on Thinking GodABSTRACT Jean-Luc Marion claims that God mustiness no longer be thought of in terms of the traditional metaphysical category of Being, for that reduces God to an all too human concept which he calls Dieu. God must be conceived outside of the ontological diversity and outside of the question of Being itself. Marion urges us to think of God as love. We wish to take exception Marions claim of the necessity to move au-del de ltre by arguing that Marion presents a very limited understanding of Being he interprets the Being of God as causa sui. The thought of Edith Stein will be employed in order to bring out a fuller sense of the metaphysical notion of the Being of God. Stein offers us a rich backdrop against which we can interpret more traditional readings of God as Being, thereby repugn Marions claim of the caducity of Being. Traditionally, metaphysics was viewed as consisting of three distinct but related components cosmology, ontology and theology. Cosmology dealt with the be of the natural world conceived as a universe whereas ontology dealt with the being of the particular thing in the cosmos qua its own being. Theology was the investigation of the being of God naturaliter, that is, without exclusively appealing to the truths of Revelation. In his masterful work, God Without Being, Jean-Luc Marion launches a profound challenge to the tradition of metaphysics in general, and more specifically, to the related field of metaphysical theology. Marion claims that God must no longer be thought of in terms of the traditional category Being, for that reduces God to an all too human concept which he calls Dieu. In a sense, a violence is make to God and our understanding of God, for we seriously delimit that which by nature is indeterminable. Drawing upon an Heideggerian-inspired notion of the phenomenological Destruktion, Marion maintains that God must be thought outside the o ntological difference and outside the very question of Being itself. In so doing, we free ourselves from an idolatry wherein we reduce God to our own all too narrow abstract schemes. Marion urges us to think God in light of St. Johns pronouncement that God is love (1 Jn 4,8). He believes that love has not been thought finished in the metaphysical tradition. Thinking love through will lead the philosopher to a more accurate understanding of God as unlimited giver/gift.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

House Opposite by R. K. Narayan :: Narayan House Opposite Essays

House Opposite by R. K. Narayan   The short story, House Opposite by R. K. Narayan is an usage of a man and his struggle with his own humanity. The basic plot of the story includes a holy man (only referred to as "the cave dweller") that is living along with the traditions of an Indian lifestyle. He considers himself to be a very good man, non succumbing to temptations or as it is put in the text, "He rigorously suppressed all(a) cravings of the palate and punished his body in a number of ways." It is indicated that the hermit really did not understand why he was doing any of this however, barring his selfish amour in "spiritual liberation." The conflict in the story is internal the hermit becomes aware of a prostitute living across the street, and cannot ignore her presence. Throughout the story, the hermit complains about the "awful monster" and regards her as the "personification of evil." This is not the root of the problem h owever. The hermits preoccupation with the prostitute served to destroy him, but unfortunately for him, the blame cannot be aimed at her. Throughout the middle of the passage, the hermit described the features of the prostitute with a particular contempt, yet he continued to look, even leer at her. He continued to think about what went on behind the closed doors, the men that waited around outside the house "smoking, chewing tobacco and spitting into the gutter - committing all the sins of the world according to the hermit." In fact, after the story unfolded, the hermit was so upset that he was "forced" to leave behind his shelter to look for a new place, thinking that he would rather not have a roof at all rather than live near the woman. He could not tend to his proper thoughts, and was not able to keep his gaze on the tip of his nose, as was proper, but only could see the woman. The interesting thing is that he did not blame himself at all for his problem. In on e line the hermit thought to himself, "Difficult to say whether it was those monstrous arms and breasts or thighs that tempted and ruined me" and then proceeded to call the woman names. Why had she ruined his "tapas all the merit he had so laboriously acquired" The truth of the matter, however, is that not only was the hermit weak-willed, he had no idea why he would even be against this womans practices, other than it was once said by someone.

House Opposite by R. K. Narayan :: Narayan House Opposite Essays

House Opposite by R. K. Narayan   The short story, House Opposite by R. K. Narayan is an example of a man and his struggle with his own humanity. The basic dapple of the story includes a holy man (only referred to as "the solitary") that is living along with the traditions of an Indian lifestyle. He considers himself to be a very good man, not succumbing to temptations or as it is put in the text, "He rigorously suppressed wholly cravings of the palate and punished his body in a number of ways." It is indicated that the recluse really did not understand why he was doing any of this however, barring his selfish interest in "spiritual liberation." The conflict in the story is infixed the hermit becomes aware of a mistress living across the street, and cannot ignore her presence. Throughout the story, the hermit complains about the "awful monster" and regards her as the "personification of evil." This is not the root of the problem however. The hermits preoccupation with the prostitute served to destroy him, but unfortunately for him, the blame cannot be aimed at her. Throughout the middle of the passage, the hermit described the features of the prostitute with a particular contempt, yet he continued to look, even leer at her. He continued to think about what went on behind the closed doors, the men that waited around outside the house "smoking, chewing tobacco and spitting into the gutter - committing all the sins of the world according to the hermit." In fact, after the story unfolded, the hermit was so upset that he was "forced" to leave behind his shelter to look for a new place, thinking that he would rather not make a roof at all rather than live near the woman. He could not tend to his proper thoughts, and was not able to keep his gaze on the tip of his nose, as was proper, but only could see the woman. The interesting thing is that he did not blame himself at all for his problem. In nonpareil line the hermit thought to himself, "Difficult to say whether it was those monstrous arms and breasts or thighs that tempted and ruined me" and then proceeded to call the woman names. Why had she ruined his "tapas all the merit he had so laboriously acquired" The truth of the matter, however, is that not only was the hermit weak-willed, he had no idea why he would even be against this womans practices, other than it was once said by someone.

Monday, May 27, 2019

America through the Decades

Throughout the history of the United States, there have been big tenners that have impacted in different way in the life of American. There are some decades which have greatly changed the life of Americans in a positive way while other decades have had a negative impact in the life of America.In many cases, there are important events that provide take place in some years that will have a great impacted in the later life of a nation. One of the close important decades in the history of the United States was the decade between 1940 and 1950s.This decade was defined the entry of the united states into the Second World war and the consequent formation of the United Nations. Some historians have argued that this decade lively the United States to play the super cater role that it has assumed in the human being. The 1940-1950 decade had a great impacted in defining the American military power that propelled it to a superpower status in the world.This paper will look into some of the most important event that happened in the history of the United States in the 1940-1950 decade. The paper will trace the eventual entry of the United States into the war after the bead Harbor flesh out by japan and the consequent pour down of Japan and surrender of Germany.The paper will withal look into the role that the United States played in the eventual formation of the United Nations that has become an important world body in arbitration of conflicts.1940-1950 decadeThe 1940-1950 decade was one of the most trying decades in the 20th century. The decade came immediately after the American deliverance was recovering from the enceinte Depression after the New Deal had been reached which greatly changed the economic situation of the uncouth.In this decade the population of the United States stood at 132,122, 000 and at the origination of the decade, the rate of unemployment stood at 8,120,000. Due to the effect of the Great depression and the cost of the First World War, the national debt stood at $43 billion.Life expectancy stood at 68.2 for females and 60.8 for males. This was also the decade which saw the Supreme Court make a ruling that blacks have a right to vote which marked the end of the oppressive Jim bragging laws. This decade also saw the end of the Second World War and the rise of the Soviet Union and the United states as the two superpowers in the world which also marked the beginning of the cold war.To the United States, this decade was particular important since it marked the transformation of united states from international alienation to a study player in the global affairs and a major interventionist in global conflicts. Let us look in the details of the events that shaped the decade. (Threeworldwars, 2008)The forties were defined the event surrounding the World War II. Since American entry into the first world, it had ended its decades of isolation from major global affairs. The First World War has taught America that the world was becoming more integrated and what happened to its world was also likely to happen to her.The First World War had seen American wake up from her status which had bee outlined in the Monroe Document which upheld the principle of non interference in European affairs. While the First World War was immediately followed by the Great Depression, the 1940s ushered in a new decade past the Great depression but new contends of the Second World War was another challenge that the country had to go through (Lone star college, 1999).The decade ushered in with the Japanese attack of the Pearl Harbor on December 7 1941. There had been rumors that Japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor in reiteration for the United States imposition on the country.However American forces did not expect the attack to happen and when it happened, it caught most of them by surprise. The Japanese planes attacked naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii killing more than 2,300 American and destroying the USS Arizona and USS Oklahoma capsized. The attack also sank three more ships and 180 aircraft were destroyed. (Herbert, 2004)This attack was a real surprise to the United States government ant it came at a time when the country was involved in a dilemma whether to go to the war or not. Church Hill had made several attempts to influence US President Franklin Roosevelt to merge Britain into the war but there was resistance from the congress and the from the US public.The country was busy in reconstructing its economy after the devastating Great Depression. However the Pearl Harbor attack was the event that made it clear that American had to go to the way regardless of the neutrality status that many had been calling for.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Brady Act: Inconsistent but Served a Purpose

The Brady Law which is technically known as The Brady Hand gunman Violence Prevention Act of 1993 was signed as a honor under(a) the presidency of Bill Clinton on November 30, 1993. The law requires that whenever someone purchases a gun, he/ she should wait up to five days for a accent check. As colossal as the Federal Bureau of Investigation has undergone the background check and for so long as the Federal objet dart License has not been issued, then a person can never obtain or own a gun (Bowling et al. , 2006).At the same time, it to a fault required the gun dealers in each of the asseverate should begin conducting and submitting background check requirements on their prospective buyers to the authorities to aid the process of authenticating that buyers capability and reliability in owning a gun (Ludwig and Cook, 2003). All states should have similar disqualifications for their applicants. These are fugitive status, court restraining orders, mental illness, and other violence convictions. Because of these, of the 12 million applications that were subjected to background check by the theme Bureau of Investigation, there were around 1.4 million that were rejected. However, there are also several rejections done by State and local agency background checks which were argued to be a little inconsistent to the FBI requirements (Bowling et al. , 2006). For instance, most state statutes would require firearm purchasers to have a permit or a license or an appellation number right after background check to be presented to the seller before they are allowed to buy a firearm. Within these said statute laws, the background check would require around 7 to 30 days.This is inconvenient and inconsistent with the original Brady Bill because it only mandated a background check for only little than a week and 30 days is way too far from that requirement. Other state laws and agencies require that a seller should convey buyers information to the authorities either through mail, telephone, or e-mail. Accordingly, the local agencies would respond in about 7 to 10 days. The same as already mentioned, this is also a little bit inconvenient because it is only by then that they start their background check.Other than these, there were also instances were the agencies will have to encounter sketchy records of applicants in their databases which will test the capability of the buyer to purchase a firearm. There is also a discrepancy between the state and the local agencies footing on rejection. Federal laws would likely to applicants with domestic violence conviction or indictment. On one hand, local agencies would likely to reject applicants that are drug addicts and mentally ill. Moreover, other states provide for appeals, but only seventeen of them.All of these prove that there is discrepancy and inconsistencies in the implementation of this law (Bowling et al. , 2006). However, despite this, I think the law is lock in very useful in the maintenance of peace and security of the country. This is because the law even when it has been implemented inconsistently by the federal and the state government, it still outlines very concrete requirements and methodology in granting and denying the right of every citizen to possess firearms.This law is obviously concerned on the circumstances that would entail the irresponsible use and owning of a dangerous weapon like the firearm. It mainly aims to secure the safety of very citizen in the United States and to prevent ruthless assassinations. References Bowling, M and Hickman, J. (2006). Background Checks for Firearm Transfers, 2005. Bureau of Justice Statistics Bulletin. US US Department of Justice. Ludwig, J and Cook, P. (2003). Evaluating gun policy effect on crime and violence. USA Brookings Institution Press.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Leadership Profile Essay

When examing what makes a good leader you can ask a very truthful question, what I believe to be a very important factor, which is, do they have passion in what they do? Leaders in business forthwith have to have a passion for what they do in order to make a successful and influential leader. The success of any federation is solo as great as the employees on the forefront make it. Transformational leadership is a form of leadership that occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate sentiency and acceptance of the purposes and the mission of the group and when they stir their employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group (Bass, 1990).Transformational leadership has the ability to generate a high commitment to the company from its employees. I believe that Sam Walton, the Founder of Walmart had this ability. Walmart as we know it today evolved from Sam Waltons goals for great value and great node servic e. Mr. Sam, as he was known, believed in leadership through service. This belief that true leadership depends on willing service was the principle on which Walmart was built, and drove the decisions the company has made for the past 50 years. So some(prenominal) of Walmarts history is tied to the story of Sam Walton himself, and so much of our future will be rooted in Mr. Sams principles (Walmart, 2012).You can see this principle the moment that you walk in to any Walmart store. There is a greeter in that location to meet you everytime. Sam Walton made sure that from the time that you walked in the door that you had great node service experience. Not only will it make the customer feel welcomed, but it will also help repeat business. To obtain this type of customer service level, the leader behind the scenes needs to create misdirect in from their employees. The employees need to believe in what they atomic number 18 doing and understand the goal of the company.One of the tower ing strengths of Sam Walton was his unique ability to gain the trust and offer of the people around him. He cal take his customers neighbors or guests and he referred to the managers in his company as coaches (Bergdahl). The first Walmart was opened in 1962 and by 1970, the company went public because of how much it had grown. This is a true testament of a good leader having a clear vision of what he wants for his company and what he expect from the employees. His vision unsocial is what makes him so effective.He believed that offering lower prices and greater customer service can make all the difference to a business. Seeing the success of Walmart proves this theory. Employees well understand the goal of the company. They too benefit from the lower prices. According to Michael Bergdahl, author of The 10 Rules of Sam Walton, Sam Walton was a man who had a vision, never gave up, and was optimistic. These are just a few of the characteristics of Sam Walton that have affected many p eople. Walton also a leader who close to the employees.Often vanity top executives has led to the collapse of a company. They tend to build a distance (gap) with front-line employees. The bigger of the company, usually the greater the possibility of these leaders have lost contact with the front-line employees. only if not so with Sam Walton, he was a leader who humble and modest. Throughout his life, he often visited the front lines of every store. Sam Waltons leadership style is close to the employee coloring corporate culture of Wal-Mart today (Bergdahl).

Friday, May 24, 2019

The production possibility curve

IntroductionThe production porta persuade is a curve that represents the total number of goods and services that can be produced in an delivery given certain levels of resources in the economy, the productions misadventure curve helps check whether an economy has fantastic resources and if an economy produces optim bothy then this impart matter into economic growth, there are factors that lead to a call down in the production gap curve, this includes changes in technology, change in the productivity of factors of production and change magnitude efficiency and finally the curve will shift as a result of increased resources in the economy.Production possibility curveThe production possibility curve is a curve that represents the maximum or optimal resource usage when both goods and services are produced, the production possibility curve shows the position in which an economy can be producing its goods and services, an economy that produces below the production possibility cu rve is said to have idle resources, when the betoken is on the production possibility curve then the economy is optimally using all the resources available in an economy to produce both goods and services.The diagram below shows the production possibility curveThe above diagram is the production possibility curve, when the economy produces at point A then the economy is under producing and there are idle resource in the economy, if the economy produces at point B then the economy is producing optimally where there are no idle resources in the economy, point C is unachievable and an economy cannot produce at this point, this is because the point is above the production possibility curve.Shift in the production possibility curveThe production possibility frontier will shift outward if there is increased productivity in the factors of production. If the productivity of the factors of production improves then the production possibility curve will shift outwards as followsThe other fac tors that will cause the possibility production curve to shift is the improvement of technology, the curve will shift outward if there is an improvement in the technology in the economy.The discovery and exploitation of resources in the economy will also cause a shift in the production possibility curve, if there is a discovery and the exploitation of resources that are used in the production of goods and services then the curve will shift outwards.Effects of producing more goods for the future to the PPCWhen an economy produces more goods then it is possible to achieve the point where the economy utilises all its factors of production and the point of production will be at along the curve, the excess production of goods and services will also tend to influence producers to look new resources for production and this will lead to a shift in the curve to a higher level.ConclusionThe production possibility curve depicts the total number of goods and services that can be produced in an economy given the level of resources in the economy, the productions possibility curve helps check whether an economy has idle resources and if an economy produces optimally then this will result into economic growth. there are factors that lead to a shift in the production possibility curve, this includes changes in technology, change in the productivity of factors of production and increased efficiency and finally the curve will shift as a result of increased resources in the economy.If an economy produces more goods then it achieve the point where the economy utilises all its factors of production and the point of production will be at along the curve, the excess production of goods and services will also tend to influence producers to explore new resources for production and this will lead to a shift in the curve to a higher level.ReferencesBrian Snow (1997) Macroeconomics Introduction to Macroeconomics, Rout ledge publishers, UK

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Counter Terrorism Policies and Organizations in Iran

On the bright sunny morning of September 11, Al Qaeda terrorists organize one of the or so destructive attacks the world has ever seen. They hijacked four commercial planes using them as weapons for annihilation. Two planes full of passengers were flown directly into the twin towers of the World trade wind Center immediately killing thousands of state. The third plane targeted the Pentagon and the hijackers of the fourth plane aimed to hit Washington DC but the passengers fought back crashing the plane in Pennsylvania.The terrorists carefully and patiently devised this plan of attack which was never foreseen by the American government. Instantly, then President George Bush vowed that fighting act of terrorism would be his administrations tallness priority. This 9/11incident is one of the m each attacks that molded the image of terrorism all over the world. This fateful incident led the leaders of the world to make a commitment to fight terrorism (Gjelten). The war on terroris m is a seemingly endless fight.Some people judge that this is a political war others say that this is merely a clash of ideologies most specifically Islamic ideologies against the world but the raison detre behind ein truth act of terror does not matter because the very act itself produces the same result- terrorism continues to steal thousands of innocent lives and strike terror in the hearts of people all throughout the world. In order to respond to these attacks, countries from all ends of the world met and created laws in order to prevent the admission of terrorists.The worsening crisis in terrorism paved the way to the enactment of the adoption of Anti-terrorism policies by the umpire and Home Affairs Council of the European Countries on June 13, 2002. The policy describes the different forms of terrorist attack as well as the corresponding penalties keeping in mind the most sacred and fundamental human rights. The anti-terrorism campaign also includes some(prenominal) cour ses of action for the battle against international organized crimes. Through the cooperation of EU Countries, the member states adopted a uniform policy on visas thereby lessening illegal immigration.On December 6, 2001, the joined States and the EUROPOL agreed to share strategic and technical information concerning several policies most the manner of prevention and investigation of combating serious international crimes (Reinforcement of EU Policy against Terrorism). The United States have several laws against terrorist even before the 9/11 attack. The US Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) provided that an alien who had been engaged in terrorist activity or those under suspicion of being a terrorist cannot enter the United States territory.Terrorist activity has been defined as any violent attack against persons, assassinations including hijacking planes and using chemical or nuclear weapons and any similar activity. Shortly later on the 9/11 attack, the USA Patriot Act provid ed a wider definition of terrorist activity which now includes any person who have taken advantage of any position whether public or private to endorse aid or abet any terrorist activity or organization (Schoenholtz & Hojaiban).In a joint sudor to capture members of the Kurdisan Workers party, Turkey and Iraq finalized negotiations regarding counter- terrorism agreement allowing Turkey to engage in hot pursuit of PKK terrorists at its base in northern Iraq (Anti-Terror Group, 2007). Iran is one of the countries that contributed greatly in terrorism. They have a special relationship with the Islamic Jihad due to the fact that they get paid for building nuclear weapons for them. They also compete a great role in the war between Israel and Pakistan.They provide training and weapons for the war soldiers. Yonah Alexander, an expert in counter-terrorism said that in order to dispirit negotiations with Iran, the past events and policies of the country in connection with terrorism must f irst be taken into consideration. In 1980, the United States Embassy in Beirut was bombed by the Islamic Jihad resulting in the death and injuries of several people. About twenty eight years ago, the United States failed to rescue the hostages taken in the Embassy in Iran.An of import top dog to consider way back then was that it was difficult to plan anti-terrorism measures because the times did not call for it unlike today. Just recently, Irans nuclear-making operations were suspended because of the inquiries do by several countries who had been alarmed by such activity. The investigation of IAEA led to the discovery of eighteen years of hidden nuclear activities. Even though Iran answered several questions, many remained unconvinced.On October 2003, after the Iraq invasion, Iran joined the International Atomic Energy Agency and signed a protocol stating that they support and promote its safeguard procedures (Cochran). In 2007, the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki d o a statement saying that Iran is willing to consider talks with the United States on Iraq even after the United States ambassador in Baghdad Ryan Crocker made a complaint about the participation of Iran in terrorist activity by extending supports by supplying weapons and training to terrorists.Several attempts towards negotiations have been made by Iran but were rejected by the United States. Indeed, it is seemingly hard to forge anti-terrorist strategy with Iran considering that it gives support to terrorist activity but no matter what the berth is, Iran is also a country that realized how much they wanted change and hw much they desire a different way of life for its people so there is a possibility that peace and negotiation talks might happen (Winer, 2007). Policy makers all throughout the world have different ideas and strategies but they all lead to one goal, which is to win the fight against terrorism.It is greatly devastating to see millions of innocent lives being lost an d it is precisely because of this reason that in this slip of battle, nobody ever wins. The value of human life is nothing compared to a political belief or an ideology. The most effective way of fighting terrorism is to stop them before they get a chance to execute their plan. However, no matter how good the intentions are in enacting these laws, the extreme policies of several countries should also allow some changes. The definition of terrorist and suspected terrorist should be reevaluated so as not to prejudice innocent people who are also seeking refuge.Indeed, the counter- terrorism negotiations with Iran has been on a rough road but through patience and constant communication, many people strongly believe that it will soon be achieved. An important thing to consider in opening renegotiations is that Iran should declare every detail and surrender all its accounts concerning their development of nuclear programs. They should also make a hold out that they would severe all th eir efforts in supporting terrorism. It is important to keep in mind that the main reason why everybody is uniting against terrorism is to protect the people and not to push them directly in harms way.Works Cited Anti-Terror Group. 2007. Turkey, Iraq to sigh counter-terrorism deal, hot pursuit on agenda. PKKterror. com. 22 April 2009 http//www. pkkterror. com/content/view/711/27/ Gjelten, T. 2009. September 11 Attacks. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. 22 April 2009. Reinforcement of EU Policy against Terrorism. 2005. Hellenic Republic, Embassy of Greece. 22 April 2009 Schoenholtz, Andrew and Jeniffer Hojaiban. 2008. International Migration and Anti-Terrorism Laws and Policies Balancing Security and Refugee Protection. Institute for the strike of International Migration Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. 22 April 2009.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ethical Delimas Facing a Profession Essay

Healthcare professionals often face complex estimable dilemmas in the workplace. These dilemmas often arise when employment obligations conflict with personal beliefs. An ethical dilemma that is becoming more common in the workplace involves emergency contraception. Emergency contraceptives or morning-after pills are a fiery topic. Some apothecarys are refusing to dish out morning-after pills because it is against their beliefs. Imagine yourself in the position of needing this medication.Should the beliefs of the pharmacist outweigh your right wings as the patient? For me, the answer would be a resounding no. According to The figure of morals for Pharmacists (Pharmacist. com, 1994), adopted by the membership of the American Pharmacists familiarity October 27, 1994, Pharmacists are health professionals who assist individuals in making the high hat use of medications. This Code, prepared and supported by pharmacists, is intended to state publicly the principles that form the fun damental basis of the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists.These principles, based on moral obligations and virtues, are established to guide pharmacists in relationships with patients, health professionals, and society. The Code of Ethics further states, A pharmacist promotes the right of self-determination and recognizes individual self-worth by encouraging patients to participate in decisions about their health. In all cases, a pharmacist respects personal and cultural differences among patients. A pharmacist avoids discriminatory practices, behavior or work conditions that impair professional judgment, and actions that compromise dedication to the best interests of patients.This guideline clearly states the responsibilities and duties of the pharmacist are to serve the needs of the patient even when doing so contradicts their personal beliefs. In some states, legislators are introducing bills that would grant pharmacists the right to refuse (refusal clauses also known as c onscience clauses) to dispense drugs related to contraception on moral grounds. Other state legislators are introducing legislation that would quest pharmacies to fill any legal prescription for birth control. NCSL Health Program, 2011) APhA has had a policy supporting a pharmacists conscience clause since 1998. APhAs two-part policy supports the ability of the pharmacist to step away from participating in activity to which they have personal objectionsbut not step in the way.The Association supports the pharmacists right to choose not to fill a prescription based on moral or ethical values. But recognizing the pharmacists important role in the health care system, APhA supports the establishment of systems to ensure that the patients health care needs are served. Pharmacist. com, 1994) When it comes to ethics or morality, arguments and counterarguments will never cease. If a persons religious objections to emergency contraception interfere with their ability to do their job, then they shouldnt be in that profession. Refusing to do your job because your conscience wont allow it comes with consequences that you must accept. Businesses and society cannot function if people are able to ignore rules, regulations, standards, and laws on the basis of conscience or religious desire.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

“Rain” by Edward Thomas Essay

On the brink of joining World War I, the United commonwealth set up a draft system to recruit young men into the military. This system set limits on sex, physical disabilities, marital status, and of course, age. Although Edward doubting doubting doubting doubting Thomas send away outside of these restrictions, therefore saving him from ever having to dress in uniform, a patriotic Thomas still wanted to serve his country, so he enlisted. However, in the lead fighting his battles in Europe, Thomas wrote the famous meter, Rain, in which he discusses the pains of death and war. Thomas creates a talker with whom he domiciliate relate and uses this vocaliser to represent the possible scenarios and feelings that he may face in any future warlike situations. In Rain, Thomas diction, organization, and punctuation mark all paint intense, sorry images, which in turn convey the poems main theme of war and death.Thomas diction plays an essential role in reaffirming the poems main theme. Th is is evident in the first course of instructions of the poem when he writes, Rain, midnight rain, nothing but the ferocious rain / On this bleak hut, and solitude, and me / Remembering again that I shall die (1-3). The word rain is repeated three times in the first line, initially al unmatchable, then with the preceding adjectives midnight and wild. All of these words describe the Thomas surroundings and symbolize his loneliness. The first rain stands alone with no adjective, just as Thomas is alone, while the second and third rain atomic number 18 set forth by midnight and wild, which describe his surroundings and state of mind. These ideas become more obvious in the second line, as Thomas uses the word solitude, reiterating his aloneness.In terms of diction, Thomas additionally incorporates several similes into his poem. In line 13, he writes, Like a cold water among broken reeds, referring back to a supposed love one hopefully not cosmos helpless among the living and the de ad (12). This simile paints an extremely morose picture, further illustrating Thomas inner feelings and pain. The adjectives cold and broken in this simile particularly emphasize these feelings. Another simile is build in lines 15 and 16 where Thomas writes, Like me who have no love which this wild rain / Has not dissolved except the love of death. Now, Thomas is saying that he lacks love because the rain has melted away whatever love he had. Now, he is only left with lovefor death because he feels so tortured in his situation in the cold, wild rain (15).Essentially, this poem can be divided into 2 parts the first of which, Thomas is writing in first person, sharing his inner feelings more or less himself the second part in which he still discusses his inner feelings, however this time, those feelings are about others, not himself. These parts divide at the end of line 7, where a colon all the way marks the spot. Ultimately, the Thomas is f objurgateened by death, and perhaps is envious of those who have died. He wants to free himself of the torture he suffers waiting for his death and just wants to spring up death over with, as he says, Blessed are the dead that rain rains upon (7). Here, the dead are blessed because they no longer have to tin the angst and torment of wondering when death will happen. Death is not an option there is merely a matter of time before it does happen, but it is indisputable to happen in this war. Notice the rain only rains upon the dead it does not torrent or downpour, thus, it paints a more peaceful image. These dead are deservingly being cleansed and washed of all bad that has happened to them as the rain patters serenely on their lifeless bodies.In the second part of this poem, Thomas is thinking about his loved ones and hoping that they are not listening to the rain as he is awaiting death or thus in sympathy (11). His loved ones are most promising his fellow comrades, friends, and family. He hopes that none of his co mrades are lying in the alone in this rain, experiencing a painful death, and he hopes that his friends and family are not lying energize in their beds worrying about him. And should his comrades be dying on the battle field, he further hopes that they are not helpless among the living and the dead (12). The speaker envisions dead bodies all around him Myriads of broken reeds all still and stiff (14), and he feels very alone, as he repeats the word solitude twice in lines 2 and 6 and solitary in line 10. He does not want his loved ones to feel this same way.In the last two lines of the poem, Thomas steers away from his thoughts about his loved ones, as he creates a more personal tone than the preceding linesin the second part. In these final two lines, Thomas discusses how he may have to disappoint his love in order to do what is perfect (17). In this sense, what is perfect, may actually mean what is right or what his heart tells him enlist in the war and fight for his country. H ere, the tempest, or rain, is telling him not to disappoint himself and do what he feels in his heart. Throughout the intact poem, Thomas has struggled with these images of war being in the darkness, alone but in the end, he knows his fate will be death. It is just a matter of how he chooses his death, whether it is in battle or growing old at home with his family and friends, so long as he doesnt disappoint himself.Thomas ideas about death are reinforced by the poems punctuation and caesura. This poem is comprised only of two prison terms, the first ending at the end of line 6. Line 7 serves as a transition line into the next sentence, which begins at line 8. All of the poems caesura can be found at the end of these sentences. In all other lines, except 6 (the end of the first sentence), 7 (line ends with a colon), and 18 (the end of the second sentence and poem), enjambment occurs. Thomas utilizes this sentence structure as a metaphor for his feelings, which he expresses throu ghout the poem. Effectively, the speakers thoughts are scattered, but continuous reflecting on his current physical situation in the rain storm, dreaming about his loved ones, and eventually facing his fears of death just like the sentences in this poem. These sentences are somewhat run-ons, symbolizing the continuous thoughts of Thomas, but eventually, and sadly, Thomas life must end, just like the poem.Death is, unfortunately, an occurrence that we must all ultimately face. Since Thomas wrote this poem before he joined the war effort, he did not actually know what it was like to fight in battle. However, through this poem he was able to articulate his thoughts and anticipate the feelings of being a soldier in war. The imagery that Thomas is able to create through his word choice and punctuation is dark and distressing, yet very real. Thomas use of similes further exaggerates his inner feelings as a soldier. The only love that Thomas possesses by the end of the poem is the love o f death (16). How unbearable it must feel to be so desperate that you awaitdeath to put you out of your misery.Work CitedThomas, Edward. Rain. The Norton Anthology of Poetry. Comp. Margaret Ferguson, Jon Stallworthy, and Mary Jo Salter. fifth ed. New York W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2005. 1255.

Monday, May 20, 2019

History of biomaterials

Earlier working(a) procedures, whether they Involved bimetallism or not, were generally unsuccessful as a result of infection Bimetallism, Joyce Y Wong and Joseph D Brannon (Deeds), CRY press, Boca Orator, FL, 2007 3 asses Bone plates were Introduced to lad In the fixation of long-bone erupts. Many of these early plates broke as a result of unsophisticated mechanical design they were too thin and had stress-concentrating corners.Also, materials such as inch vane, which was chosen for its good mechanical properties corroded rapidly in the body and caused adverse effects on the healing processes asses Stainless steels and cobalt chromium alloys were introduced and great success was achieved In fracture fixation, and soon mutual second-stringer surgeries were Bimetallism, Joyce Y Wong and Joseph D Bronzing (Deeds), CRY Press, Boca Orator, FL, 4 MAMA asses During the World War II, it was found that pilots hurt by fragments of plastic MAMA (polymath matriculate) aircraft canopy did not suffer adverse chronic reactions from the presence of the fragments in the body.MAMA became ideal used after that time for corneal replacement and for replacements of sections of damaged skull bones 1950-asses Following come on advances in materials and in surgical technique, blood vessel replacements were tried in asses and philia valve replacements and cemented Joint replacements in asses 5 Year Investigators Late 18-19th century Development Metal devices to fix bone fractures wires and century pins from Fee, Au, Gag, and favor 1860-1870 J. Leister Aseptic surgical techniques 1886 H.Huntsman 1893-1912 W. A. Lane Steel screws and plates (Lane fracture plate) 1912 W. D. Sherman Vanadium steel plates, first developed or medical use lesser stress concentration and corrosion (Sherman 1924 A. A. Zeroed Introduced emailprotected (Corm alloy) 1926 M. Z. Lange Introduced 18-cosmos stainless steel, better than 18-8 stainless steel 6 Used carpenters screw for femoral neck fracture 19 31 M. N. Smithereens First femoral neck fracture fixation device made of stainless steel 1936 C.S. Venerable, W. G. Stuck Introduced emailprotected (19-9 stainless steel), later changed the material to Coir alloys 1938 P. Wiles First descend hip replacement prosthesis 1939 J. C. Burch Introduced tantalum (Ta) ASSES M. J. Doreen, A. Franchisee First used replacement 1946 J. And R. Jude First phonemically designed femoral head replacement prosthesis. First plastics (MAMA) used acrylics (MAMA) corneal 7 1947 J. Cotton Introduced It and its alloys 1952 A.A leaflet in he nontextual matter valve essential flex 60 timer per minutes without tearing for the life time of a affected role (10 divisions or more) 0 Bulk physical properties The dialysis membrane has a specified permeability, the reticular loving cup of the hip Joint has a lubricity, and the intraocular lens has clarity and refraction requirements 13 Absorbability 0 Absorbability is the ability of a material to perform with an charm host solvent in a specific application (Williams, 1987) 0 Thus, absorbability is the acceptance of a material by the surrounding tissues ND by the body as a whole. A objectionable material should not do exhibit following characteristics (1) irritate the surrounding structures (2) invoke an abnormal inflammatory response (3) incite allergic or immunologic reactions (4) cause cancer 14 15 Performance of bimetallism the material properties, design, and absorbability of the material used, as well as other factors not at a lower place the control of the engineer, including the technique used by the surgeon, the health and condition of the patient, and the activities of the patient.If we can assign a mathematical value f to the probability of allure of an implant, then the reliability can be expressed as r=l -f If, as is usually the case, there are multiple modes of failure, the total reliability art is given by the product of the individual reliabilities RL =(1 -FL),etc. Art=R L re 16 Inert and evocative bimetallism 0 Initially (asses-asses) the bimetallic designed were inert (not reactive with the body) to decrease the potential for negative immune response to the implant 0 Later (asses), the concept of inert bimetallic was replaced with that of evocative bimetallism. The evocative material act with the body in a positive manner to remote localized healing Bimetallism The Intersection of biota and Materials Science,AS Tenement and GAG Mikes, Prentice Hall, 2009 17 Hard and Soft tissue replacement bimetallism 0 Bimetallism scientists must have an appreciation of material science.A wide range of materials are routinely used and no researcher will be comfortable in synthesizing and designing with all these materials and therefore specialization is the rule 0 There is tendency to group bimetallism into hard tissue replacement bimetallism (metals, ceramics for use in orthopedic and dental materials) and soft tissue placement bimetallism (polymers) for car diovascular and general plastic surgery 0 Division is dictatorial though 18 Market perspectives (2008) 0 Mostly used devices are replacement heart valves, man-made vascular grafts, hip and knee replacement, heart lung machine, renal dialysis equipment, and bone and dental implants 0 About 100,000 replacement heart valves 300,000 vascular grafts and 500,000 artificial Joint replacements are carried out in the United States every year 19 Do it yourself? 0 Assume that a bone implant (bone plate) leads to calcification. Will you consider it an appropriate or inappropriate host response? 20

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Meaning of Life and Yoga Essay

Celebrity Yoga Is this just a fad? Yoga has get a very popular exercise among people all across the world. Celebrities atomic number 18 to a fault adopting this use in order to strengthen their bodies. Celebrities and yoga has been a winning combination for quite some time in America, and more and more people are beginning to at least act yoga because their favorite celebrities are trying it. Celebrities that do yoga are making the practice more popular. Yoga industry in the United States has enceinte considerably since many celebrities have admitted to practicing yoga on a regular basis.Here are some things you provide want to know about celebrities and yoga that may help you to decide whether or not you want to try yoga for yourself. What do celebrities have to say about yoga? Celebrities like Meg Ryan, Jennifer Anniston, Ricky Martin, and Madonna have all admitted to development yoga as a means to calm the spirit, tone the muscles of the body, and increase physical strength . Many people also say that yoga gives a personal sense of accomplishment, and that it is easier to handle rigorous demands of the day by practicing yoga Yoga is also designed to help people learn about the meaning of life.Yoga allows you to train your mind to think about validating things, and you are also able to think about how to solve problems and even get along salubrious with others. You are also taught about how certain yoga principles should transfer into your daily life, such as learning how to do everything in the right time, or being patient with others. It is also believed the yoga will give you a higher(prenominal) tolerance for pain. One of the most important factors which cause the heart disease is drop-off. Tachycardia and other disturbances are caused repayable to this depression.Rhythm of the heart is altered due to tachycardia and other disturbances. Long-lasting or repetitive state of depression will make a considerable damage to the heart and enhances the c hance of getting heart attacks. Yoga is an utile solution against all sorts of stress since it can enhance the level of GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), a neurotransmitter in our brain which is correlated to depression when it is in supplied lesser in the brain. After one posing of yoga the level of GABA gets increased.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Paterson, Katherine. Bridge to Terabithia

Children, by their very nature, atomic number 18 friendlier and more loving than adults. Children also find it easier than adults to believe in the imagination and thereby build castles in the air. Thus, cardinal lonely children in Katherine Patersons Bridge to Terabithia build a couplet to Terabithia, which happens to be their very own imaginary forest kingdom. Jesse Aarons Jr. is a middle child among atomic number 23 siblings settled with their parents in rural Virginia. While his father works away in chapiter D. C. , Jesse is non among his mothers favorite children.She does not seem to have much time for the son. Even so, Jesses sister, May Belle, shows love for her brother and even looks up to him. Leslie Burke, another important character in the book, is the precisely child of rich writers who have moved into Jesses area only recently. After Leslie wins a speed that Jesse had been preparing all summer to win himself, in spite of the fact that the race is meant for boys o nly, the two strike a friendship. Both Jesse and Leslie are loners who do not get on very well with the other children at school.Jesse is interested in art, while his dad in Washington D. C. disapproves. Leslie does not have a tv set at home. So, Jesse shares his love of art with his new friend, Leslie. She, in turn, describes to her new friend her own love of reverie tales. Through these discussions emerge a new idea that of creating a magical kingdom. This imaginary kingdom is created upright the childrens homes and in the woods. What is more, this new kingdom belonging only to Jesse and Leslie is accessible only by path of a rope that must swing everyplace the creek.The kingdom is called Terabithia, and Jesse and Leslie are respectively named the King and the pansy of Terabithia. Jesse and Leslie spend each day at Terabithia after school. It is in their very own kingdom that the two children finally find their own place in the world. They shed their fears in this kingdom to boot, such as the fear of the bully, Janice Avery from 7th grade. One day when Jesse is come out of the closet to the National Gallery of Art in Washington D. C. on a field trip with his music teacher, Ms.Edmunds, whom he admires very much, Leslie goes off to Terabithia on her own. yet while she is trying to cross the bridge to Terabithia the rope that swings over a creek which is rain-swollen her head hits a rock and the girl falls into the water to drown. Although Jesse cannot easily get over the death of Leslie, he overcomes the brokenheartedness by remembering the strength that his new friendship had given him. Jesse overcomes his grief also by returning to Terabithia to perhaps save the life of Leslie, imagining that she may be alive somehow.While he is searching for Leslie, he hears the blazon out of a young voice calling for help. At first, Jesse believes that he has found Leslie alive. However, the voice calling out to him is that of his younger sister, May Belle. Jesses helps out his younger sister who has got stuck right in the middle of the rope over the creek. Before Leslies parents leave Jesses area, the boy asks them whether he could take some wooden planks that are lying in their shed. The parents reply that Jesse may have anything left over by them.Jesse takes the wooden planks to Terabithia and builds a bridge to replace the nasty rope over the creek. Once he is finished, he takes May Belle along with him to Terabithia to declare that she would be the Queen of Terabithia from now. Hence, the Bridge to Terabithia becomes an extraordinary adventure for young children, who would also learn how to governing body the realities of life through this wonderful read. Indeed, the book has important lessons for young children, one of the more important ones of which appears to be the use of reason.

Friday, May 17, 2019

‘Desiree’s Baby’ by Kate Chopin Essay

At a glance, Desirees Baby published in 1893 By an American writer Kate Chopin, depicts the miscegenation in Creole Louisiana during the nonmodern duration. The Antebellum period in American hi account is generally con aspectred to be the period before the civil war and after the war of 1812. The scientific advances and religious and social movements of the Antebellum Period had a profound effect on the course of American hi business relationship, including a population shift from farms to industrial centers, sectional divisions that ended in civil war, the abolition of knuckle downholding and the growth of feminist and temperance movements. though Kate Chopin is kn bear to be a writer of American world and naturalism, the story Desirees Baby is strenuous to classify, because it is extremely short. Kate Chopin often wrote ab bug out subjects that were extremely sensitive, and m whatever of them windlessness strike as a nerve in the United States today. In this story Kate Chopin highlights a compel critique of the class and racial prejudice that permeated the behaviors of Antebellum southeasterly. thither atomic number 18 many perspectives to the story including racial and ethnic abuse, shades of patriarchy and discrimination by class. There ar besides political and semiotical panoramas to this story, according to Ellen Peel.In addition, by dint of the transactionhip surrounded by Desiree and Armand, Chopin expounds the precarious status of both those without a family and those of biracial descent. Undoubtedly, the story despite of its brevity, highlights the disruption of meaning. The character mainly responsible fo this disruption is, Desiree. She acts as a synergist to the whole subversion of meaning. The whole political and semiotic perspective, combined together gives the looming shadows of race, sex and class discrimination. fit in to Ellen Peel, this whole charade of disruption r from each onees its climax when Desiree, who everyone includin g her knew as whiteness, gives birth to a baby male churl that has shades of sear. She is eventually rejected by her husband due to the fact that she belongs to a black race. Later in the story Armand, Desirees husband reveals that he himself is black from his mother side.The story takes place in an antebellum Creole community. Looming shadows of patriarchy, slavery and racism were the accepted and adoptive crisis of that era. Everyone had accepted the categorized and distributed system.Racism was at its visor and the worst part about it was that the undermined people had accepted this fact, as mentioned in the story, Negroes had forgotten how to be gay, as they had been during the old masters easy-going and indulgent lifetime. Furthermore, as Emily Toth has inferred, in the story of the three dualities parallel of latitude each other. Clearly, the symbol of the multifaceted society is the character Armand Aubigny. He is self-confident because of whatsoever minor yet major(ip )(ip) facts encapsulating him being white, being a male and being a master over several slaves. In order to get a grip on how this poignant story depicts various perspectives and drawbacks lets follow through the whole story. The tale begins when madame Valmonde is going Desiree and her newly born baby. On her way, she reminisces about when Desiree herself was a baby. Monsieur had found her at rest(prenominal) at the gateway of Valmonde.Though many people ge secernd that a band of Texans had abandoned her, but Madam Valmonde stuck to the conjecture that providence sent her this child as she lacked any children of her own. Like a queen and queen in a fairy tale, they were delighted by her mysterious arrival and prognosticated her Dsire, wished-for one, the coveted one. The scratch line of the story points towards no bitterness but a good and happy side to the story. Though the racial and slavery crisis were tremendous but the fact that even the masters of that particular socie ty adopted a homeless child, knowing that she belonged to a black initiation, shows signs of kindness and homosexuality. It also depict the ulterior motives croupe adoption, which was the lack of her own children. But neither in the beginning nor in the end, has it ever mentioned the feelings of resentfulness from mother to her young woman or vice versa. Desiree seemed a blessing in disguise for them and they raised her as their own daughter.Desiree grew up to be beautiful, gentle and affectionate and sincere too. She turned out to be exactly like their sodding(a) daughter. Skipping the eighteen years of Desirees life, Chopin has directly jumped to the love life part of the story, where Armand Aubigny saw Desiree standing next to the infernal region pillar of the gateway and he falls in love with her instantly. Although, he had known her for years since for the first time arriving from Paris after his mothers death. That was the way all the Aubignys fell in love, as if struc k by a pistol shot. The wonder was that he had non loved her before for he had. This love part of the story, highlights many things. The way it is shown that Armand fell in love with Desiree delineates the male dominance and pride in that society. It also depicts the lack of maturity and a bit ruthlessness in the prescribed culture. Monsieur Valmonde takes a virtual(a) approach and wants Armand to get ensure first that Desiree origin was unknown but Armand is so deeply in love with her that he doesnt care about her origin. He decided that even if she hasnt a family name, then he would give her his own and soon as depicted in the story, they get married. bread and butter deeply in the roots of a society where slavery and racism is all-in-all, accepting a lady relay link despite of her known origin highlights true signs of love as Armand doesnt care before marrying whichever origin she belongs to. another(prenominal) important universal truth and human nature has been highlighted h ere. Not only in the era of antebellum but since the world has started, it is but human nature to fight for what he truly loves and accept and there are so many examples and incidents in the history which show that once that thing is achieved, a someone starts to lose interest in it and that is what is overshadowed by the intensified love. As soon as the story builds up its plot, a major transition is portrayed. Armand, other household staff and eventually Desiree too, see some unusualness in the complexion of the baby. She isnt sure about the underlying problem and on confronting to her husband she finds out that the child is not while and hence she doesnt belong to a white origin.Desiree couldnt believe him because this was a total disastrous surprise for her. The fact that is portrayed here is the significance of the facts. The issue regarding Desirees origin was already present but her husband didnt care. But confronting the truth of her origin suddenly win overd every bit o f him. The narrow-mindedness and injustice of that society is delineated again. What if theres some friend of mine and we are very a lot close. well-nighday if I find out, that he originates from a family who were slaves. Would it change anything between me and him? What if someone asks the same question from Armand? The difference would be obviously seen and that is the whole point and the major transition in the story. The reasonless transition of a character from being attached and so serious in love with a mortal to rejecting her. As expound by Ellen Peel, that there are moments of surprises and transitions in the story. So, thefirst surprise comes when he interprets his babys appearance, concluding the fact that the child and its mother are not white. This fact revealed a major flaw and weakness in her husbands character.Theres another perspective to this transition as well as it can be inferred that Desiree seems to lure projection Madam Valmonde wanted a child so she go t deceived by herself and the urge to be a mother. That doesnt change the fact that she denied symbolism. She was a true believer and that too contradicts the writers beginning enlightenment. Secondly, Armand too got fooled by himself for believing that they could safely project their desires onto Desiree. In this manner, it is illustrated that even though Desiree didnt forecast like from black origin but the discovery to her origin made her black. In this regard, a person who look white but has a tiny drop of black blood is considered black. As Joel Williamson believes, that the one-drop-rule has a stand point but it eventually leads to the invisible blackness crisis. At this point in the story, 2 major panoramas can be looked upon too, miscegenation and disruptiveness. Disruptiveness is also a semiotic point of view justifyed by Ellen Peel. Theres a complex perspective to Desirees nature and its relevance to society.She doesnt herself convey flaws as the flaws were there befor e she was even born but the role she plays is to reveal them which makes her disruptive. Another major transition to the story presents itself in the end of the story. Armand finds out that the black genes come from the baby through his own mother who was black. After Armand kicks out his wife and child, in the abusive storm of racialism and cruelty, he comes crosswise a letter to his mother by his father, I thank the good God for having so staged our lives that our dear Armand will never know that his mother, who adores him, belongs to the race that is cursed with the brand of slavery. As Ellen Peel believes that the warmheartedness of darkness lies within the self and so do I, the letter, unveils Armands shadowed face to himself. At this point, a big shift occurs when Armand is actually is in a position where he left his wife and child. Also, Armand had rejected his own blood because he was a product from a white man and a black woman and after the unveiling of the letter he fin ds himself in the same place as his child.This apocalypse shakes the whole picture of the story and the main dominant and brutal figure, Armand as he is now in the same position as his son. The famous quotation, Whatdoes around, always comes around Could be the best way to explain his situation. Though the whole plot is shaken but that only highlights the issue of society at a micro level. Neither it describes the change factor nor does it propose any possible solution. In the nineteenth century, intimate relations between two people of different races, or miscegenation, bore a distinctly depreciating connotation. As seen by the quadroon slave child who fans Dsires own baby, interracial relations did occur with relative frequency, but such children often ended up as slaves under the theory that even one drop of African or black blood made a person black or else than white. Likewise, many biracial people who happened to inherit pale skin and European rather than African features were able to incorporate at least temporarily into white society, passing for white if they chose. In Armands case, he did not even have to hide because he did not know his status.Some people who passed as white, like Armand, even successfully entered the Southern ruling class, which was not only putatively white but also rich from owning plantation lands. Meanwhile, whereas most people fell on one side of the social divide between black and white, those of mixed descent lived on the border of social acceptability. Thus, the quadroon boy serving the quadroon master is ironic but also representative of the biracial group as a demographic sector of the population. Another irony of Chopins story is that although Dsire is probably of tweed blood after all, only she and her innocent baby suffer from the accusation of miscegenation, whereas the mixed-race Armand Aubigny will probably not face any consequences for either his racial descent or his cruelty to his wife. This patently unjust state of affairs occurs not only because Armand will probably take the secret to his grave but also because, as Chopin informs us in the third paragraph, Dsires status is as frequently a question of familial class as of racial class. Although her presumed European ancestry places her above the slave class in the hierarchy of Louisiana, being white is not sufficient to place her in a class equal to that of the Aubignys.Note also that although Armand can echo his father in forgiving a beloved woman for her societal status, Armand can never be his fathers equal because he cannot forgive her presumed racial heritage. By contrast, Madame Valmonde is portrayed as loving, kind, and eminently ethical in her refusal to condemn Dsire for her questionable blood. In addition to hinting at Armandsfamily secret, Chopin hints at his cruelty toward his slaves and creates an obvious parallel between his treatment of them and of his wife, who was by the legal code of the era barely higher than prope rty. Whereas his father is described as easy-going and indulgent, Armand lives too strictly by the social mores of his era and not enough by a true moral code. Despite her name, Dsire is only desired insofar as his standards are exceeded, and when he burns their wedding corbeille, it is the physical manifestation of the destruction of their wedding vows, in which he presumably would have promised to cherish and care for her until death. In this manner, his seemingly ardent love shows itself to be shallow and undeserving.Another view to this story is a very different idea by Gary H, Mayer, who believes that this story originates and explains the general semantics or in other words, the story revolves around observation-inference confusion. An inference is nothing more than a mere retrieve which could be really destructible for anyone, according to Gary H, Mayer. According to him, the main sick character Armand, highlights a semantic error called allness, which happens when a person believes that he/she happens to know everything. Delving into the story, it can be seen that theres a sequence of conclusions without any solid reasons by the characters. Adding icing to the top, it can also be delineated that the story represents a series of rational decisions. The decision of instantly falling in love. The decision of kicking Desiree and the child out of the house and most importantly the very first decision in the story where without any thinking, Desiree is fondled.Another weakness of human nature can be seen if we take into account a much deeper perspective to the story, which is to judge people by appearance. Armand loved Dsires outer smash, not her inner beauty. She was like a trophy to him. When the trophy became tarnished in his eyes, he removed it from its shelf and cast away it. He also rejected his child, for its skin exhibited a taint of impurity. Finally, like other Old South plantation owners, he viewed the blackness of his slaves as a defect that c olored even their souls. However, conversation between Dsire and Madame Valmond indicates that he apparently found time for La Blanche, the slave woman whose name (French for white) suggests that she was of mixed heritage, with light skin that made her a tolerable sexual object for Armand. Dsire, mouth of the loudness of her babys crying, says, Armand heard him theother day as far away as La Blanches cabin.To put it briefly, the whole panorama to this short little story contains versatility in it. The beauty of Kate Chopin is that she has presented this story as a symbol as well as a lesson that should be learnt. The terminus of understanding differs for the readers as some readers would find it only a depressing tragedy. Unarguably, this story portrays the racial and gender based differences in the society. Though it should be mentioned that in the present day, this major issue has been eradicated to great accomplishment but traces can still be found at a very micro level. Over all, the human weaknesses and tantrums and can cause to such differential crisis but society as we speak, has transformed into a come apart example of humanity.ReferencesPeel, Allen. Semiotic Subversion in Desirees Baby.Pegues, Dagmar. Fear And Desire Regional Aesthetics and colonial Desire in Kate Chopins portrayals of The Tragic Mulatta Stereotype. Mayer, Gary. A matter of behavior A semantic psychoanalysis of five Kate Chopin stories. Khamees, Raghad. Desirees Baby. http//

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Counselor Interviews

morals in the field of marital and family psychology is a very sensitive subject to both the clientele treated and the directions. The issue of ethics as it pertains to marital and family discuss can create barriers and obstacles preventing clients from being sufficient to fully trust the advocate.Other honest concerns vary from whether or not to inform a parent of their barbarians admitted illegal drug use to that of having a client who divulges having a life-threatening sexually inherited disease just now does not wish to draw their spouse informed. Different accredited psychiatric associations have developed and implemented a defined legislation of ethics upon which each participating member is creditworthy in upholding (ACA, 2005 Leong, 2008)). Education and fostering for licensed counselors serve as a platform to provide answers to ethical dilemmas, however it is up to the individual counselor as to how he or she chooses to respond. go after and Gina provide marital and family centering to a variety of individuals. interest works for a private mental health group and has been practicing for the put up eight years. Gina is a licensed counselor working for a public mental health run organization. She has been employed at the same office for the last fourteen years. As affairal counselors, both Chase and Gina indicate that the defined code of ethics outlined by the American Counseling Association (ACA) serves as a major tool of ethical reference (personal communication, May 18, 2010 ACA, 2005).Ethical Dilemmas I. Chase He was providing marital counseling for a very troubled couple (personal communication, May 18, 2010). The couple had entered into marital counseling because of issues of trust, mistrust, and possible infidelity. The wife was asserting that her husband had PSYCHOLOGY 3 been unfaithful. One evening after work, Chase stopped by the local grocery store. After pulling in he noticed a couple enmeshed in a very passionate fondle. Much to his surprise, he discovered that the female involved in the kiss was in fact the accusing wife whom he was currently counseling. She immediately disengaged from kissing her male associate after she recognized her counselor. At the next counseling session, the married couple indicated that the wife had admitted to her infidelities. The husband assert that he had already filed for line up apart, but he wanted to inform the counselor in person and pass on that his counseling go on on an individual basis. The wife asserted that she, too, wished to continue with individual therapy.As a result, Chase declined to provide the requested individual therapy, but did provide them each with referrals. His decision to do so was found on the probability of being called as a potential witness in the pending divorce proceedings (Hecker & Wetchler, 2003). II. Gina A memorable case of ethics for Gina involved a set about and her three teen children. The family had been referred for ser vices via the local family court following a very difficult divorce and custody bout in which the husband, and father to the children, had just left.The mother had been diagnosed with Bipolar I over three years ago, but she had great difficulty in getting her manic episodes under control. As a result, her children had to be pose into foster care in order to protect their safety and well-being. After a good deal therapy and many medicament changes, the mother was deemed well enough to be a fit parent and was awarded custody. At a family session, the counselor noticed that the mother was acting out of sorts. She was extremely talkative but was not making oft sense.She rambled from one subject to the next and was unable to sit down, all the while walking and pacing more or less the room. The counselor excused PSYCHOLOGY 4 herself from the room citing that she had to check on something, and she went and retrieved one of her supervising colleagues. He re-entered the session and was properly introduced. Gina felt it best if the children were not present at this particular juncture, so she invited the children to grasp in an adjoining office where they could watch television.The oldest child indicated that his mom was doing it again referencing the manic episode. Gina and her supervisor asked the mother if she was still taking her medications. The mother responded that she had discontinued her medications because they made her feel too tired and too stupefied which interfered with her being able to take care of her children. The mother then questioned the counselors as to why there were so many bugs crawling on the walls. Gina then asked the mother if she would be willing to go to the hospital for a day or two in order to get her medications regulated. The mother refused.Gina chose to have the mother involuntarily committed as her mania and delusions provided that she could be of harm not only to herself but to her minor children as well (Corey, Corey, & Calla nan, 2007). While issues involving ethics often seems to center around the function and professional abilities of the counselor, they also come from the client (Pope & Vasquez, 2007). Some clients are very concerned over the issues of confidentiality. This can lead both the counselor and the client to a dead end if the client does not trust the counselor enough to control his or her privacy.Some clients will test the ethical boundaries of the counselor as a means for determining the aim of trust to be bestowed on the counselor. This is especially true in the ethical dilemma faced by Chase. In Ginas case, she was faced with the issue of protecting the physical and mental well-being of her clients, the entire family. willing commitment is usually a last PSYCHOLOGY 5 resort for counselors who are trying to religious service their clients.In rare instances, some clients will hinder the counselor with unwelcomed sexual advances. Counselors like Gina and Chase received much training f rom their respected secondary educational institutions of learning. This training and education was furthered during their graduate studies. Both counselors, however, explain that face-to-face experience is sometimes the best educator. It has been suggested that when an ethical dilemma is difficult to resolve, the best and close to absolute pulse to take is to consult with a supervising colleague.Other professional colleagues in the field may have already encountered a identical situation or know of someone that was involved in a similar dilemma (Kottler & Shepard, 2007). Ethical dilemmas will continue to plague and confuse psychiatric professionals. Clients will invariably continue raising ethical questions whether deliberately or unknowingly. Organizations like the American Counseling Association have act to define and outline a specific list of possible problems with possible solutions.Experience combined with education and training offer recourse to counselors whose dilemma may be more difficult to resolve than referring to the currently endorsed code of ethics. In the meantime, counselors will dutifully stand by their clientele and support their mental well-being, which is ultimately the most important ethic of all. References American Counseling Association (ACA). (2005). Ethics. Retrieved from http//www. counseling. org/Resources/CodeOfEthics/TP/Home/CT2. aspx Corey, G. , Corey, M. , & Callanan, P. (2007).Issues and ethics in the helping profession (7th ed. ). Belmont, CA Cengage Learning. Hecker, L. , & Wetchler, J. (2003). An introduction to marriage and family therapy. Binghamton, NY Haworth Clinical Practice Press. Kottler, J. , & Shepard, D. (2007). Introduction to counseling voices from the field (6th ed. ). Belmont, CA Cengage Learning. Leong, F. (2008). encyclopedia of counseling. Thousand Oaks, CA SAGE Publications, Inc. Pope, K. , & Vasquez, M. (2007). Ethics in psychotherapy and counseling a practical run away (3rd ed. ). San Francisco , CA Jossey-Bass.

The relationship between the Chinese and foreigners Essay

The relationship between the Chinese and foreigners - analyze ExampleIn 1234, the Mongols joined forces with the tenor dynasty as allies and fought the Jurchen Ji dynasty. The Mongols emerged victorious and conquered the Jurchens. Though the Jurchens had conquered the song dynasty, they helped the Mongols fight the Jurchens (p 460).The song dynasty eng bestrided in some skilful diplomacy to settle any confine disputes that arose. The Song dynasty chose famous statesmen to act as ambassadors. During the song dynasty era, the interactions with foreigners had some positive impact to the Chinese. They were able to see themselves in maritime trade. The Chinese also started to start a very strong and booming ship-building industry. The interactions enabled mainland China to experience the economic revolution. Many foreign powers sent missions to china during the song dynasty era. However, the foreigners began to plan to acquire china. In 1279, the southern Song dynasty was attacked and destroyed. The foreigners captured and settled in the Chinese territory and later led to the establishment of the kwai dynasty (p 464).The Yuan dynasty existed between 1271 and 1368. The Yuan dynasty maintained strong trade ties with the Mongols who helped capture the Song dynasty. They engaged in foreign trade with the Persians, Syrians and the Arabs. During the rule of Yuan dynasty the first Europeans to reach china, the Chinese were visited by envoys such as the Franciscan mission of Pope Nicholas in the mid-13th century, the Ordonic of Pordenone in 1320 and Marco Polo. There was also a visit by the Muslim advisors of the Mongol court. These were mainly engineers, cartographers and astronomers. All these envoys visited the Leaders in the Yuan dynasties. The dynasty was also visited by a Venetian merchant who visited China between 1275 and 1292. He wrote the Travels of Marco Polo when he returned to Italy from China (p 468).The Yuan dynasty helped to launch the age of exploration in china. Many European Foreigners had a keen interest in discovering china. The

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reasearch paper about Tooth Morphology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reasearch paper about Tooth Morphology - taste ExampleMoreover, tooth morphology is facilitated by the oral cavity, which holds the teeth together in the mouth. Tooth morphology also incorporates cardinal main dentition types, which allow in deciduous and permanent dentitions (Scott et al. 3-5). These dentitions have different types of teeth where deciduous dentition has three main types that incorporate incisors, canines, and molars while permanent dentition has four type that include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. To clasp tooth morphology, it is crucial for one to understand the nomenclature first, which is a naming system that is often used to mark or even classify material in the subject of dental anatomy. There are several(prenominal) tooth-numbering systems that include FYI system, universal system, Zsigmondy-Palmer Notation, and Dane or the Hederup system. With regard to structure, each tooth has both root and crown portions where the crown is unremarkably c overed with enamel while the root is covered by cementum (Koppe et al. 36-38). These two parts, crown and root, pairing at an area known as the cement enamel junction. The crown portion of the tooth comprises of three layers that include dentin, pulp, and enamel.Koppe, Thomas, G. Meyer, and Kurt W. Alt. Comparative Dental Morphology Selected Papers of the 14th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, August 27-30, 2008, Greifswald, Germany. Basel Switzerland Karger, 2009.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Anthropology in the World Today Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anthropology in the mankind Today - Research Paper ExampleThis subject is not only restricted to understand these aspects provided it likewise assists in major aspects of human life which include politics, business as well as social lives(Cultural Anthropology and Sociology).The use of cultural anthropology as a measure of assistance for governments dates from the period of the Second population War when Ruth Benedict, who was a renowned anthropology professor was employed by the government of the United States to sort them with the cultural perspectives of their main opponents that is japan and Germany. This was meant to be of help not only for winning the war exclusively also as a measure of help for rehabilitation of these states after their fall. This focus was mainly towards Japan and the cultural studies helped in the understanding of the beliefs and working of the Japanese cabaret (Ferraro 2006).The role that cultural anthropology in nowadayss world can be understood c learly in the words of Elizabeth Tunstall when she states, Contemporary anthropology is no longer primarily concerned with exotic peoples and dinosaurs. Anthropology is engaged with issues of the world-wide flows of people and goods, human rights and social justice, global feminism, design, technology adoption, the social effects of the environmental degradation, and local sustainability practices. Anthropology in todays world kit and caboodle towards connecting people. It assists the companies to satisfy their customers via understanding their needs which are known to them through anthropology. It also works towards explaining the stand of the society on issues like the rights of human beings and the role of women in society. This assists in molding decisions according to the particular society. Anthropology is also beneficial for the politicians and the government. It provides a clear picture of the beliefs and the working of the society and

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Accounting principles utilized in UAE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

score principles utilized in UAE - Essay ExampleAccounting without doubt plays a critical role in the modern world.Accounting rules are prevalent and vary from region to region.In the modern commerce work, financial reporting has constrain the focal point has growth in commerce continues to skyrocket inter soilally One cannot ignore the event that numerous factors such as social, economic and legal differences account for different standards that are vary crossways nations. However, there is a strong push towards a equivalented outline of accounting regularitys in golf club to facilitate transactions and comparability of financial statement. A uniform system of accounting strives to harmonize and farm comparability of accounting principles (Lin, Z.J. and Liyan, W). International Accounting Standards is a set of accounting methods that contains numerous governing sectors. The briny body is known as IASB, which puts down the guidelines for the regulations that are enforced th rough the IAS. While the United States operates down the stairs the GAAP, UAE chooses to follow a different path relating to accounting methods (Epstein, B.J. and Mirza). GAAP is comprised of set of rules that accountants create and vary from nation to nation (Epstein, B.J. and Mirza). On the other hand, The Central Bank of UAE chooses to follow the International Accounting standards or (IAS) to obtain its needs for finances. The economic model of UAE greatly differs from the US system therefore, it is essential that UAE utilize a system that accommodates their need in commerce, trade, and revenue. The IAS is not only used in UAE but is also widespread in other Middle Eastern countries. In fact, the Arab Society of Certified Accountants, which is composed of 22 nations, signed a petition which made IAS as the uniform method of standard for all the member countries. This point could be further elaborated as the head chairman of the counsel stated We are confident, that IASC standar ds will kick upstairs the economic strength of a region that has significant commercial and industrial sectors (Sale 29). Surprisingly enough, the popularity of IAS extends far beyond Arab countries as even Australia has begun to implement the IAS regulations. Canada, is also considering adopting the IAS standards along with former Soviet Union countries such as Moldova and Kazakhstan. In essence, the influence of IAS is reaching nationwide as London, Frankfurt, Zurich, Luxembourg, Thailand, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, Rome, and Malaysia are all considering implementing the IAS standards in their everyday accounting. Without a doubt, the IAS seems to be a better fit for UAE for several reasons. One of the key elements that UAE should continue to practice IAS standards is payable to fact that IAS is a uniform standard that strives to harmonize accounting methods. Clearly, UAE is becoming a Makkah for commerce and investors should be able to compare financial statements without the hassle of acknowledging which standards each nation is using (Kit 33). As corporations benefit from this uniform method of not having to create different financial statements for different standards, they can divert their attention to more(prenominal) important aspects such as reducing costs and being innovative in their business. As mentioned above, legion(predicate) other nations are following the IAS standards so why choose a different type of method when other nations are implementing the same standards? The main goal of the IAS is to formulate a standard that is globalized and to propagate their word meaning throughout the globe. Furthermore, the IAS is more diverse and better organized than any other international organizations. The IAS continues to enforce exacting regulation as it sets statutory guidelines on framework for preparation and presentation. Moreover, the IASC has guidelines for issues that dominate the commerce world such as inventory, depreciations, earning per sh are, reporting loss and revenue, interest expense, consolidation, intangible assets, and other financial instruments. Undeniably,

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Sustainable relationship Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Sustainable relationship Marketing - Assignment ExampleIt transcends the boundaries between specialist functions and disciplines. Gummesson (199973). descent market placeing is closely intersected with sustain capability a form of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Benn & Martin, 2014742). Nowadays, the role of RM is recognized by many different organisations, run in various industries. Increasing number of organisations strive to focus on guest retention, to emphasize customer helping, to maintain high contact with customers, and to pursue long-term relationships (Christopher, Payne, and Ballantyne, 1991). Relationship marketing is viewed as a three-dimensional discipline, which has many different models applicable to various situations. Five major models discussed in this report are (1) Relationship Marketings Six-Markets place (2) Sustainable Marketing Model (3) Ethical Relationsh ip Marketing Model (4) The Morgan-Hunt Model of Relationship Marketing and (5) Return on Relationship Model. Combined use of these five models enables to escort various aspects of relationship marketing, interrelationship and connection of different elements. A company implementing RM strategy gains increased opportunities for retaining be customers and build profitable long-term and sustainable relationship. In order to test this hypothesis, there was chosen McDonalds club for further analysis.The research shows that initially McDonalds has made a focus on customer-centric approach early originally the concept of relationship marketing has gained wider popularity. However, by 1990s the company has failed to ensure excellent customer service and value-added approach because of quick geographical expansion of its restaurants. However, soon the company has recovered its position on the market by developing comprehensive relationship marketing strategy, focusing on three major mark ets customers,

BIO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

BIO - Essay ExampleFor example, research reveals that the crack is mostly polluted by release of heavy metals by vehicles. It occurs is a number of ways much(prenominal) as fluid leakage, combustion and corrosion of metals. Another issue is marine and coastal defilement. These causes of this problem ar human activities, oil spills and sewage (Aslam et al. 316).The third issue is the development of artificial islands it has been a big tending to environmentalist because of impacts on marine life. The artificial islands in Dubai are likely to damage the growth of reefs and partake native habitat. Additionally, material used to construct the islands affect the water the water gets dirty (Butler).The UAE is well awake of the mentioned issues, and they are working together with international agencies to curb such issues. Companies operating quarries are regulated by Dubai Municipality. The municipality also measures the quality of air throughout UAE. Pollution from automobiles will be reduced by admittance of cleaner compressed gas. The gas will be available for trucks, buses, and taxis that have been the main contributors to air pollution (Mills).Aslam Junaid, Khan Saeed Ahmad and Khan Sheba Haque. Heavy metals contamination in roadside soil near different vocation signals in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society 17 (2013) 315319.

Friday, May 10, 2019

A Just Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Just Society - demonstrate ExampleThe report is summarized in a concluding equalityagraph and MLA referencing style has been used properly. Introduction What is a Just Society? Much research has been done to define the features and structures of a just orderliness and how to lift one. However, it is an ongoing concept that needs to be considered at an single(a) aim so that each individual takes part in the development of such a society that provides fair means of living to all. A society sees umteen successes and failures, and goes through many struggles and hardships till it reaches the milestone of being called a just society that arises from chaos and moves toward an intelligent order. A just society is one that treats all individuals as exist and provides them equal opportunities so that they be able to improve their lives and live according to better standards to come at par with the contemporary world. At least, the basic requirements of food, clothing and shelter ar e met, and after these all facilities and resources are as and fairly distributed among all individuals. Everyone should be able to enjoy the best without being obstructed by or obstructing other individuals even outs to enjoy the very same prospects of life. Rule of law should be followed rather of the rule of jungle. Life of a human being should be considered important. People should have the right to happen secure and they should be given protection under all circumstances. They should be educated about what is right and wrong for the well-being of their society. Social problems must be eliminated. Although it is difficult to achieve, but if everyone struggles at individual level to cooperate with the authorities in fair distribution of resources, then it is not impossible to achieve a society in which justice prevails. Todays world in which governments and nations are suffering from corruption, terrorism, professional crimes, inequality of rights, and discrimination of colo r, race, gender, ethni urban center, and language, the concept of a just society is becoming vague with every acquittance day. We no more feel secure. We do not know whether the governments are playing fair games with us or are cheating us. We do not know what number of white-collar crimes is occurring in our institutions and how they are going undetected and un-encountered. We do not know how much a rich politician has stored in his banks and how many laborers are not getting their daily wages. However, what we do know is the number of strikes that were held in our city the previous day. We do know how many killings happened in a neighboring country. We do know how many suicides happened in the country a month ago because of poverty. We do know how many beggars sit at the end of our street. Hence, the concept of a just society needs to be covered seriously so that everyone knows what rights he has to ask for and what rights he has to give to others. And the Greek philosophers have done the task quite efficiently. persuasion of a Just Society According to Socrates Socrates idea of a just society is based upon communism, ordinarily referred to as Socratic communism. Socrates was of the view that all parts of the society must be able to snip in harmony. He laid emphasis on censorship in education of the societys youth. The guardians who are the saviors of the common men, the rulers and the law-makers,